Sunday, February 24, 2013


So after an inspirational text from one of my favorite gals on the planet (who is also the health-nut I can only aspire to be-but likely fail-...let's call her "Buttercup" for now); I made a list and went grocery shopping for the first time in...3 weeks...? I don't know...
It's been awhile.

Anyway, I had a hankering for some pulled pork sandwiches; and since the crock-pot is my favorite kitchen appliance of all time, I bought a pork butt.

The dilemma, here, lies in the fact that I am a lover of leftovers; but they don't really sell single-serving pork butts at Kroger and as much as I'll eat the shit out of leftovers, I also don't want to be eating pulled pork for 8 days.

Needless to say, there's a giganto slab of pork currently slow-cooking & the folks at work are going to be my unwilling recipients, tomorrow.

If you've got excess, share it; right?

What a perplexing weekend...for now, I think that may be a conversation saved for Buttercup & I...(sigh)

I've been jamming out to some Led Zeppelin for the last hour or so, and still daydream about being 25ish in their glory days and being a 100% full-fledged-groupie. No shame in that daydream....I would have packed a bag and jumped on the groupie-train with no regrets!

Wanna get me hot? Rock some hard Jimmy Page guitar riffs & Robert Plant lyrics from your iPod & I'm there.

The funny part is I don't think anyone in the band was especially attractive, but the music speaks to me on every avenue of my being.

Can you tell?

Ugh. Now I'm just rambling...

I do that. Deal with it.

This post may quite honestly be the most pointless of any I've ever written. I just wanted to write.

Thanks for hanging in there with me.

I love you all. (even if "all" only consists of Buttercup) <3

1 comment:

  1. Pork butt in the crock pot is one of my favorite things ever. Love your rambles.
