Over the winter I stumbled upon instructions for a Potato Tower. After reviewing the information and specs on the project I vowed to give it a go this year.
If you haven't heard of this vertical gardening wonder; let me enlighten you!
(Or you can just google it)
The basic concept is to build a square out of wood, put it on the ground, fill it up with dirt & a few starter spuds, cover with dirt, and wait until the vines sprout up. Continue adding layers of the frame (in a tower fashion) & dirt, as the vines grow up. Based on the instructions, you can
theoretically get 100lb of potatoes from 4 square feet of garden space.
Here are the notes I'd made up for myself in my handy-dandy notebook:
First of all, I have an issue with following craft projects and recipes EXACTLY. It's like there's a short circuit in my brain that tells me that there's always room to insert my creative adjustments, so why not?!
I had accumulated some scrap wood from work and sorted out the 2x6
pieces, since I figured they'd give me more height per piece.
Once I got the first layer put in, I realized my biggest issue would be having enough dirt to fill the damn thing. From that point on, I'd made up my mind that this would be a trial run, just to see how it would work; and stuck to a smaller scale.
I paused the construction aspect of it at 2 layers of dirt & 3 layers of boards. For the last couple months I've randomly watered & watched the vines go from big and bushy, to droopy, to just...dead. I'd read that when the vines die, they are ready to harvest. I waited several weeks & decided yesterday was as good of a time as any to dig in and see the results of this bad boy.
Here's the front view, before I started the deconstruction:
As you can see, I didn't really bother putting all of the vertical support 'legs' in, b/c I knew I wouldn't be building it high enough to really matter...and I'd just screwed the back of the tower frames into the neighbor's fence.
Also, looks weren't that important to me this time around b/c it was at the back of our yard, behind my garden; so I also didn't really bother cutting many of the boards...which is why a few of them are sticking out the front.
Here's the side view.
As you can see, the support legs not only give you supports to drill into, but also keep everything squared up & ultimately keep it from toppling over.
Let's just say, this is not an example of great craftsmanship.
The boards were pretty easy to remove, and since I was adamant about not
damaging a single spud, I did most of the soil removal with my hands.
If you've bothered to read my "bamBOO" post, you'll know that soil is pretty sparse for me, so I didn't want to waste any of the soil I'd stocked into this tower, when it needed to be returned to my main garden area.
I grabbed a beer, squatted down, and excavated small areas at a time with my hands, checking for lil taters; then used my garden trowel to shovel dirt into a bucket that I'd heave over and dump into my garden.
Oh! There's one!
It's like an easter egg hunt.
Here, you can see some of the lil tubers still attached to the root of the vine.
There were quite a few that were only the size of peanut M&M's, which was a little disappointing...
Here's my final harvest.
I don't think I'll be inviting any of you over for dinner to share in this bounty. Sorry.
1. Don't give up. I WILL be trying this again next year, full scale, and following (most, if not all of) the original specs.
2. Location. Since this one was a bit of an eyesore due to sloppy construction, and since we have such a small back yard; I placed this tower at the very back corner of our yard to have it out of the way. The downfall to that area, is that the neighbors trees provide a large amount of shade, there. When the vines were in the height of the their green glory, the one's nearest the sun were clearly stronger looking, the last to die off, and ultimately where the bulk of the potatoes were unearthed. Next year, a new location will need to be established.
3. Water. I think part of the reason the vines died off so quickly this year was lack of water, which could also explain why there were so many under-developed spuds. My hose didn't reach the full distance to the tower, so while watering the garden, I'd lazily try to jet a stream of water the distance to it. That combined with the drought probably equated to some thirsty plants.
4. Dirt. I only had alittle over a foot of dirt, but they seemed to have grown
in a staggered pattern, which I believe
was the result of adding the
layers of dirt. More dirt = more potatoes. Unfortunately, my yard offers very little dirt to raid for this project; so I'll have to budget some extra dough to buy a few extra yards of soil. Fortunately, I work for a landscaping company, and can get a decent rate on it. This project
definitely takes more dirt than I'd originally anticipated.
Well, if you know anything about this, and/or see anything I missed please feel free to share! Like I said, this was just a rough experiment & now I have a better idea of what to expect for the full scale model; as well as what to expect financially. I think I can re-use the 2x6's from this project for next year but will need to anticipate any costs for additional purchases of lumber and soil; unless the craigslist gods are good to me.
Also, if you've had any first hand experience with tater towers, I'd love to hear your input; good or bad!
"Po-tat-o. Boil'em, mash'em, stick 'em in a stew!"