Sunday, December 16, 2012

Cookie Day 2012

I love these ladies!

Since moving back to the homeland, one of my favorite holiday activities has been the gathering of estrogen at the "Fish" household! They actually belong to my best friend from college, but I consider myself an honorary member of the clan.
It's a day spent with some of my favorite people this side of the Mississippi; full of baking, laughing, and the inevitable injury &/or boob no particular order.
Here's some pictures from this year's joyous gathering....
This table full of goodies was already filling up by the time I arrived.

 This is Momma Susie. There aren't enough words to describe how rad this lady is.

This is Aunt Betty. She's a spitfire & I love her for it.
Papa Tony chose to supervise the kitchen shenanigans from the couch...

And here we have 3 more beautiful ladies: Cousin Myra Anne, Cousin Abby, and Aunt Myra Lou

Aside from how stoned I happen to appear in this particular picture, the lady next to me is one of my favorite gals on the whole planet. She's been my best bud since I was young and, I'm just old and crazy.
"I love FISHES cause they're sooo DELI-COUS"

Teamwork to the max.

Myra Lou sporting her Susie-Original Xmas Apron!

Cam rockin' his dino-santa shirt, like a boss.

Aunt Betty w/ Scott

Scott, Nicole, & Cam

No "Cookie Day" would be complete without a picture of Momma Susie's ass.

Where the magic happens...

Aunt Betty putting the final touches on Cousin Patty's masterpieces

One went limp, but the rest Betty got to stand erect.

How cute is she?!

Whatever the hell this is called, it was delicious.
Trust me. I picked at it most of the day.

I think I've become "the cake-baller".
I handle those balls like it's my job...or so they say.

And, as I said in the beginning; no Cookie Day would be complete without a boob-grab.
This year, Betty knocked it out of the park for this rendition of how she avoids those unsightly tan lines.

Happy Holidays to you and yours!
Until next year, folks!

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