Wednesday, October 8, 2014

2013 April-December Recap

Well folks, it has been far too long since I've written...well...anything, now that I think about it.

As predicted, 2013 was a year packed with transition.

A quick summary: End of a 10 year relationship; 4 months of living uncomfortably with the ex, getting a new car; the ex finally moving out; getting an email from my landlord that they were needing to sell the house I was renting (aka: not renewing my lease); my hunt for a new house to rent; packing; crazy roller coaster of emotions tethered to starting over in the dating world; moving my excessive amount of belongings (my friend says I'm one trunk away from an episode of "Hoarders", but I think that's a tidbit drastic) to my new rental during torrential rain storms at the end of June; a large portion of my grandpa's roof collapsing & making a trip home to help move everything out of that room so the insurance/construction company could come in and repair everything; unpacking/making my new place feel homey; crazy grandma actually trying to commit suicide & consequently getting committed to an institution; establishing a new relationship; realizing my previous landlord was totally trying to screw me on returning my deposit & the seven months of certified letters, court filings, and court appearances that took a full year to receive the judgement I finally got for half of what he owed me; meeting the new boyfriend's kids & family; dealing with a bi-polar ex-wife; experiencing INTENSE feelings/emotions/situations that are completely foreign to anything I've experienced mainly as a result of this being my first divorced-dad boyfriend & pseudo-stepchildren experience; the worst winter EVER since I've existed on this planet; pseudo-living w/ Mr. Mac & the boys while subletting my rental house to a 60 yr old, pot-bellied hippy; a freakish flash flood that pushed 2' of water running through every room in the rental house, the well pump at Mr. Mac's house going out the same day (which also happened to be days before Xmas); realizing I didn't have flood insurance; Hippy & I having to move our belongings out of the soggy rental house (in sub-zero temperatures) while simultaneously refusing to let anything ruin my never-ending amount of Xmas cheer...

That was 2013.

Looking back all I can think is "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger".
Is that too cliche to use, anymore? Maybe so, but it's true.
Frankly, there was quite a bundle of great things that came from all of that and most importantly, I survived with my sanity intact & was able to construct the longest run-on sentence of all time (above).

I was never so glad to see a New Year. Ever.

Remember what I said about Xmas cheer?
Amidst all of the chaos, we were able to construct the greatest, homemade Ugly Xmas Sweaters of all time & won some serious bragging rights with Mr. Mac's family.
Take a minute and really soak in all the details of our handiwork...

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Mission: The Attic

Since my last post, things have been moving along in their typical bi-polar fashion, as has become the norm, lately.

I've realized that much of my frustrations stem from the expectations I have of others.
NOT having SOME sort of expectations out of those closest to you, or those who require daily interaction;
 I've realized, is simply impossible.

So, then I ask myself, what are reasonable & amicable expectations to have for those particular folks?
And, in the effort of fairness, what are their expectations of me?

This past weekend, I packed up the dog, a change of clothes and my toothbrush; and set off on the new vehicle's maiden voyage up north to visit my family. After several panicked calls from my mom this week venting about my unmedicatable (spell check is telling me that's not a word, but we're gonna go with it) schizophrenic step-grandmother & her concerns that she could very well burn my grandparent's house down at any given moment; the need for me to make a trip up there to deal with things was apparent.

After my sudden decision to move to California, over a decade ago; I had hastily packed up my college apartment and tossed most everything in my grandparent's attic. They live in an old farm house that fortunately had ample room to house my belongings, as well as boxes of family heirlooms from my great-grandmother's house that also got deposited up there when she passed. Now imagine that clutter of boxes, totes, furniture, etc; and add to that tons of my childhood crap (highchair, bassinets, boxes of barbies, toys, etc) that my mom didn't have the heart to part with holding on fiercely to the idea that one day MY children would use and/or appreciate those things; mixed with random storage of my grandparents from when they were physically capable of scaling the treacherous staircase-of-death (as I like to call it); AND some random odds and ends of my mom's and her sister's....

Are you imagining all that? Good. Now put a layer of dust about an inch thick over everything, like a powdery icing to this hoarder's dream, and add a nightmarish amount of ladybug corpses on and around EVERY SINGLE WINDOW in the 3 different rooms of the attic...and you have (drum roll, please!)
The Attic!

Once the decision was made that I would be coming up to essentially get anything of importance out of The Attic before said grandmother could torch the place, my mom continued to express her great concern for the fact that due to her sickness, lack of touch with reality, and seemingly increasing hostile behavior; that she was incredibly concerned that she may try to attack me while I was trucking through the house with a handful of shit. My mom had to work that weekend, and couldn't function as my wingman; and after many reassurances that I could handle myself and promised to carry a weapon on me, just in case; the plan was set in motion. In addition to the stress created from the thought of my very own grandmother, (who, in her properly medicated days, endlessly pushed my ET 3-wheeler around the gravel driveway & participated in nearly every tea party and school lesson I conducted as an only child) possibly "shiv"ing me when I least expected it; mom had also been expressing her concerns over grandma doing something to my grandpa in his sleep or simply him having a heart attack from the stress of all of this. This conversation lead to the confirmation of what I already knew, which was that I will be the one to primarily deal with the final arrangements when my grandpa passes. She simply can't do it, and I accept that.
THAT discussion led to questions pertaining to what arrangements he'd already made himself versus things that would need to be handled afterward.

Now, I know this sounds like a morbid topic; but knowing how paperwork and logistically retarded most everyone in my family is; I knew this was information we needed to have, rather than scrambling around to find it while also dealing with the loss of the most important man in my life.

Needless to say, I was kind of dreading the weekend; but charged forth, full steam ahead.

I got to spend some quality time with Grandpa which I really enjoyed. Saturday morning I was up at 5:30, downed about a pot of coffee, and was in the house, alone with Grandma by 7:30am, to start the purge.

Walking into a dark house full of wonderful childhood memories, to find my Grandma asleep in her wheelchair, in the kitchen...with the oven door wide open...was alarming to say the least.
The thought had crossed my mind that she had heard me tell my Grandpa that I'd be out that morning, and would wait until I got upstairs, let the house fill up with gas, and light a match.


Then I came to the conclusion my mom's paranoia had filtered over into my brain, knocked the thought, and secretly vowed to come back and haunt the farm, should I go kablooie.

Then the crazy-organizer in me took over. Five hours later; 3 SUV loads full of shit reclaimed from The Attic & moved into a spare bedroom at mom's, roughly 10lb of crunchy, dead lady bugs sucked up into a shop vac; a brief, stress-filled breakdown triggered after discovering my Curious George stuffed animal that I toted through most of my young childhood (that I thought had been lost/tossed at some point over the years); and several, surprising lucid, conversations with Grandma throughout the day (one of which, where I had to break the news of the break-up w/ M.M., to her)....I can say that The Attic is as clean & organized as it has been in over 25 years.

And she didn't attack me or blow me up.

This I considered an overall success for the day.

Mission accomplished.

Saturday evening & Sunday included several difficult "What arrangements have you made for your death"-type discussions with my Grandpa; while tactfully trying to make the point that we all simply need to be prepared for these kinds of things, as opposed to sounding greedy...not that there's a dime to bicker over in my family, but it's still an awkward conversation to have.

Further solidifying my conclusion that all of my family members are paperwork-retarded; we discovered that:
1. He doesn't have a will. This means that if he goes before grandma, she will inherit the farm, as his spouse.
Have I mentioned that she's completely out of her tits CRAZY right now, and will be for the rest of her days?
If he goes, she NEEDS the safety of an institution (which my grandpa refuses to do); which means she becomes a ward of the state, which means the state claims everything to cover the costs...there are a million other fringe complications (all the other nutball relatives coming out of the woodwork, as they tend to do, to "claim" what they feel is theirs; no designated person to execute final details of the estate, debts, etc) & scenarios that all end in me being completely frustrated that he didn't see the importance (aka: my expectation) and responsibility of having a will drawn up....and still doesn't. 
2. He bought cemetery plots 30 years ago, but it took an excessive amount of explaining on my part to get him to understand that I needed some sort of bill of sale PROVING that he purchased them & where they were located. (He seemed to think I could just go tell "the guy at the cemetery" & all would be ok...sidenote: that guy is probably already dead.) He finally dug up a legit Cemetery Deed & with a sigh of relief I xeroxed and scanned a copy.
3. He has a small life insurance policy that MIGHT be barely enough to cover his funeral expenses. Let me add to that, that once he was able to dig the policy out, we discovered that my Grandma is the beneficiary. Yes. Let's put the permanently mentally-unsound person (who directs most of her hate-filled outbursts, at him) in charge of your funeral arrangements.
4. I realized that he keeps all of his important documents hidden in the barn and the truck of his car. I realize that is to keep my grandma from burning or trashing them; but the idea of searching for vital documents in places like that makes me nuts.

Ugh. That whole thing is going to be a total mess, that I dread more than anything.

I just realized my alarm will be going off in 4 hours. And I don't even dread that as much.

With all of the above mentioned details, considered; I did get to spend some quality time with my mom and grandparents, that was actually enjoyable.

Though, the last words from Grandma were that she'd decided she was going to kill herself.
By that point the other personalities had started surfacing mixed in with blaring music and 5 solid minutes of creepy, cackling laughter, prior to that declaration...(sigh)

The lettuce on my shit-sandwich of family dysfunction, was a visit to my Dad's. It's too late to even start on that topic, honestly.
Long-story short, there was a conversation about a sensitive topic, that was promised to me; that ended up being a rushed "just leave it be" response from him, before we were interrupted.

Again, this left me upset and frustrated with his inability to realize my need for clear and direct communication on the subject, that I feel is vital to our relationship.

The drive home was a good 3 hours of processing the previous couple days, and coming to the conclusion that every fucking male in my life is a HORRIBLE communicator.

My only solution is to better convey my need for clarity, and hope to come to an understanding.

I need to wrap up this long-winded entry, to attempt some much-needed sleep.

I read a quote recently that really struck a cord with me. I think I'll close with that thought in mind...

“One of the greatest gifts you can give someone is the gift of attention.” -Jim Rohn

Monday, March 25, 2013

For Today

Today I am "prone".
In all aspects of my being.

I know it's healthy to have a good cry, now and again; but today I feel overwhelmingly weak & vulnerable.
Self-doubt floods my every thought, which only perpetuates my inner voice telling me to "get it together".

For now, I'm choosing to ignore that voice, and just submit.

For today.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Green Room Glory & Misc. Ramblings

Today, I realized that one of the things I long for most, right now, are TRUE human connections.

So many of our day-to-day interactions with people are surface relationships, which I suck terribly at.
It's that whole "wearing my heart on my sleeve" problem.

I guess I just miss having true friends in close proximity. My efforts to reach out to people here have been mediocre.

I have a hard time understanding how, in a city as large and "surface" as Los Angeles, I could connect with so many wonderful people; yet here it seems so difficult.

On a MUCH happier note: I purchased my very first vehicle, with my own money, that is solely MINE!  Without going into a drawn-out tale of how uncomfortable the last couple months have been sharing MM's car has been; all I can say is this is a huge step in the right direction for me.

Isn't she pretty?! I'm currently calling her "Petunia Pumpernickle". I love her.

There is also light at the end of the endless-painting-the-house-tunnel. I can't complain, as it kept me occupied over the last few months, and it's made this rental house feel more like home as I've personalized rooms more with color & some new furnishings. Though, the disorder of trying to paint while moving piles of crap from one room to another, nearly drove me crazy! 
 One room I'm happiest about is the craft room! It is vibrant green and my place for inspiration....

Here are two of my newest collages, I completed days after getting the room completed...
"Something to be Desired"

"Self Reflections"

I also managed to complete my first knitting project! I'd promised a gal-pal a scarf for her birthday over a year ago, and due to Hobby Lobby being a bastard and discontinuing the yarn I'd started the first scarf with, and my general crafting-A.D.D.; here's the finished product that I mailed to her a few weeks ago: 

On a totally separate note, let me share a FB conversation I had with my dad recently, regarding another sister I have that was conceived during a time that he and his wife were temporarily separated, that I know very little about... (note the dates of the messages)

Me: September 12, 2012  7:26pm
"I've been thinking more about this other sister, lately, and (thanks to FB) can at least see what she looks like w/o being intrusive.
What's her name?
(insert names of other sisters) know about her? (I can't remember)"

Dad: March 9, 2013  1:51am
"hey, got my teeth removed and new choppers put in, doing ok. xxxooo, pop."

 Me: March 9, 2013  10:41am
"Glad you have that part over with & everything went ok. The dentures usually take alot of adjusting to get just right.
It's funny that your choppers message shows up as a totally off-topic response to my previous questions...
I'm not trying to stir the pot in the (insert last name) house, but I feel like this is information I should know. I feel like you are still of the opinion that kid #4 is a mistake you'd like to forget or ignore...but remember kid #1 was a mistake, too."

Dad: March 10, 2013  4:21pm
"next time your up we will talk, ok."

Oh, sweet dysfunction!

What are so many people's issues with clear and direct communication?!

Along that irritating train of thought, things with Mac have been...confusing, to say the least. I sent an email to him on the 13th very openly communicating some of my thoughts/feelings about certain aspects of whatever-this-is and simply asking for some clarity; and have yet to get a response. We've talked since then, but not in environments that were conducive to that particular conversation. My hope is he's waiting to sit down and actually talk to me about it, instead of just stalling/avoiding.

Though, there's so much uncertainty, I'm having a difficult time being optimistic about it.

In an effort to wrap up another of my 'random thoughts' posts on 2 positive notes:

#1. I recently picked up a new volunteer gig! I'm volunteering for a few hours after work, on Thursdays, at a local dance studio.
Get this crazy-ass association: my ex-boyfriend's best friend's ex-wife's mother, who happens to be a FB friend of mine, contacted me and asked me to help out. I'll be working the registration desk & getting to take a few free classes (seriously considering belly-dancing) in exchange.

I'm excited about having something new to do that gets me out of the house, around lots of new faces, and though I can already see the volunteer-vortex that may suck me in; there are lots of avenues that I can see where I'll be a huge asset to them.

That sounds totally conceded, but there seem to be an abundance of flighty individuals with little ability/drive to organize the organization/processes/space. This is what I have to offer and they seem open to it.

#2. I received my non-GMO seeds in the mail today, and have already filled my south-facing windows with containers full of wonderful, black dirt & veggie seeds!

More details to come at a later date. For now, I think I'll join Trixy for a nap on the new white down comforter, while basking in the afternoon sunlight of this 50 degree, spring day; before tomorrow's snow storm hits...


Thursday, February 28, 2013

Talk Talk

Communication is one complex bitch.

There are obvious differences between male/female communication.

Then, there is such a difference between every single person's perceptions of how they think they communicate versus how other people perceive their ability to communicate.

Sometimes I feel like this is one of my life's help others communicate better & to constantly work on my own, which is an full blown effort in and of itself.

I work with a slew of wonderful folks who are terrible communicators. If I had a nickle for every meeting or conversation I've had there, that actually had all parties openly communicating their points, listening (and I mean REALLY listening) to others input, and having a clear, concise conclusion before the end of the conversation....I'd have about ten cents.

That was just a random thought after a mentally exhausting day.

So, as a wrap-up to my last post.....

I had most certainly ratcheted myself up into a frenzy that night. Buttercup helped immensely & I love her for it. There had indeed been a family emergency of sorts with "Mac" and I ended up feeling like I'd overreacted like a crazy person, then realized that was an inappropriate analogy...

We had a nice face to face talk the following day, which I think did him more good than it did me.
Very much like MM, Mac seems to lack a thick support group of friends & family to talk to, and seems to internalize more than his fair share. 

I feel a sense of duty & accomplishment by being a good friend to him in that regard. If nothing else comes of this, at least we have that.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Affirmative Action

Is being attracted to stereotypes some kind of mental condition?
Or at least some sort of deeply seeded sort of emotional dysfunction?

During this journey of self-reflection, I've started noticing a pattern.

My attraction to the oddest array of stereotypes of men is more diverse than my resume.

Now, granted, (most of) these men were more than the labels I'm about to list; so don't fret, I'm not that shallow.
But let's take a look (in no particular order)...
  • Hard-Core Catholic Meat-head Body Builder
  • Goth / Musician
  • Growling Grandaddy Cowboy
  • Ebony Model
  • Biker
  • Frat Boy
  • Trailer Park Trash
  • UPS Worker
  • Jock
  •  Latin Emo King
  • Accused Rapist? (found that one out, later)
  • Teddy Bear BDSM
  • Camp Counselor
Those are just the one's that immediately come to mind...That's weird, right? It's like affirmative action in my pants.

 My conclusion is that I have "Plain Jane Syndrome".

There's very little that feels exotic about me & if I had to stereotype myself the first thing that comes to mind is "girl next door"...hence the "P.J.S."

Therefore, I think I seek out men who are drastically different from me because it's thrilling.

Unfortunately, it never seems to work out. Why is that?

Opposites attract, right?

I also tend to be drawn to dudes with major issues. This (I think we've established) is because I'm a "fixer".

Sometimes I feel like I'm mentally profiling people. Is that normal??
It feels slightly psychotic, sometimes, but I can't help it.

Knowing what makes people tick, attempting to understand their childhoods, their relationships with their parents, and/or whether they'll let me in enough to hold their junk while they pee; is such a high.

Who needs therapy when you have idle time & a bottle of vodka?! 

As a side-note, I've been talking to a guy off and on the last couple weeks. Nothing serious, just casual chatting, mostly.  And mostly through text...which I am both annoyed by and equally entertained by.
It's helped curb the heavy heart & head that always seem to be lurking around every corner of this house.

I have a wonderful support group of friends, though most are in a different time zone; and calling them EVERY time I feel lonely, insecure, or just want some sort of witty exchange, feels like I'm being a burden.

I guess where I'm going with this, is that these exchanges have offered me a flirtatious break from the gloom, which I totally appreciate, for what it is. Though, our normal, fairly heavy text exchanges, were reduced to a few cryptic responses from him, today, one of which included some issue he was dealing with, with the ex & his kids.

My brain immediately went to genuine "worry" mode that some horrible car accident had happened or some other tragic event. I've checked my phone for missed texts so many times I ran the battery nearly dry & find myself  bringing my IM screen up to see if he's online...and that's where I've been for about the last 12 hours...

Now, after several cocktails, some surfing of the inter-webs, and about 3/4 of a pack of smokes; I've convinced myself that I'm not going to hear a peep from him tonight (which irrationally pisses me off), and will get some cryptic message tomorrow that he and the ex have resolved their differences, or some other sort of shit-sandwich.

Side-note of the side-note: I hate the internal battle I feel sometimes between my head and heart. The stubbornness in my head reverts to wanting to give someone the silent treatment, not send another text/email until they contact me first, etc...while my heart just wants to talk it out and extend another hand out to someone to make amends, smooth things over, and correct any misunderstandings. 

I need to make an affirmative action to get my shit together...and call Buttercup to vent.

Monday, February 25, 2013


This text conversation just happened:

Me: "I made the mistake of looking up 'vagina' on Urban Dictionary. I'm easily entertained."

Mac: "Anything good?"

Me: "Twatlantic Ocean"

Mac: "That's the one that connects to the Red Sea once a month, right?"

I just laughed so hard I cried.